The Bear family and I are afk, vacationing at the Walt Disney World Resorts.
Sadly, the blog shall be quite quiet while we’re gone.
This vacation shit is hard work. For those of you who know me well, it should come as no surprise that we have theorycrafted the optimum multi park timeline to gain the most fun without wasted resources.
So far, we’ve nailed the objectives, but the blister boss is taking multiple tries (and nightly lotion) to down, and we experienced our first wipe when Cassie was so stubborn she made herself pass out.
True story, I thought she had died right there in animation class at Hollywood Studios this morning.
Side note, Cassie says the EMTs at Hollywood Studios are very cranky people.
Anyway, stories are what you get when life happens, and we’re in some interesting ones.
I am not idle, this is a working holiday. I am diligently gathering research data for the most epicest Big bear Butt post ever seen.
When the post goes live, I’m not exaggerating when I say it will draw millions of pagehits all on its own.
It might also bring jail time, I’ve still got to check on that.
Still. Millions.
To use a favorite movie quote, “You just let your imagination run riot.”
In the meantime, if you find you miss your daily dose of Bear, you can find me on Twitter, I’m on it each day until the phone dies.
Just look for @bigbearbutt and follow the bacon jokes. You can’t miss me.